Monday, July 28, 2014

Back to the Barangay

Thursday July 24

More data and process gathering today.  We spent the morning with charts and a few more interviews. I said earlier that we had tried the Jolibees restaurant which is one the national restaurant chains started in The Philippines. I knew we would be trying it again before long. We decide, that a burger would be great for lunch and what could be more Filipino then adding pineapple to the burger..... seriously pineapple is awesome here!

Sometimes ya gotta have a burger! The Aloha

After lunch,  we head out with Paulo and Judith to visit one of the local Barangay offices close to City Hall to see some of the people there and what they do. One step in most of the processes is the Proof of Indigency forms to receive aid.  This is where it is all approved before people come to the office at the City Hall; the theory being it is easier to manage that in each neighborhood where the people know each other better. 

The Barangay Office

Me, Jeanette (ABV), Judith, Brian, Paulo and Carina

Us and the team in the Barangay office.

After the meeting back to the office for more interviews, but before we do that we are treated to more food. Seriously? :-) Judith is a great host and some of her staff had brought in some home made treats, including several types of rice cakes(savory and sweet), some coconut vanilla candies(tastes like a caramel) and finally some pork stew, traditional here called Dinuguan. 

Not our actual Dinuguan but similar.

After heading back to the hotel, we cap off the evening with a team meeting to prepare for a side project we will be working on down there.  Dinner is light because is has to be, so down to the Japanese restaurant for soup and a bit of tempura. 

Week #1 almost completed.

#ibmcsc philippines

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