Saturday, August 9, 2014

Back At It

Monday Aug 4

I have to interrupt the fun and games but the real reason we are here is to complete the assignments we are given and I have taken a detour with the descriptions of the visit; concentrating on much of the social and interesting things we have seen at work but a lot outside of it. There HAS been a lot of fun after hours but everyday is filled with work and customer engagements, social or not. 


At this point, we are proceeding with finalizing what we will be delivering to the individual clients and some teams will start delivering some materials this week.  The final presentations and recommendations will be given to the clients on Thursday morning Aug 14 and we will then have another team presentation in the afternoon.

The LINKIT team  is working on a lot of various activities with their client from meeting students to sizing up the planned facilities where the businesses will be housed. They are providing business case studies and whatever comes up to make their project a success. They have taken on a lot, including a  bigger presentation to a larger audience of small businesses, City Hall workers, the local press and local IBM Philippines staff.  They are finalizing the agenda and the bigger team will participate to talk about social Media, Mobile and Cloud. There will be more to come as the Agenda gets finalized so the final plans can be put in to place.

The City Traffic Team is embarking on a traffic study. They are working with the City Planning Dept who is very keen on getting on top of this issue; you have heard my description of the traffic situation in Santa Rosa. They are really concentrating on methodologies to plan and embark on ways to gather data for all of the stakeholders effected by traffic. I don't think they are at the point of a Smarter City solution yet so it will be a step at a time and they will be gathering data over the next 2 weeks. They are actually doing traffic counts now to start synthesizing some data and observations that they can use to plan how to properly measure for the future.

The Police Team is planning on delivering 3 afternoon training session to the police staff on Tues, Wed and Thur. They will be talking about Social Media Marketing and Surveys, Microsoft Excel and Social Media itself. Some of this information is pertinent to what we will be working on in the Social Welfare office so we arrange for 3 of our Client's  staff to sit in on the sessions with the Police Officers and some of the folks in the Barangays.

Our Social Welfare Services Team project is concentrating on several deliverables with the social Welfare office. The Statement of Work initially requested focused mostly on getting a "new system" and increasing awareness of services.  The engagement will be addressing some of the requirements to go about planning and preparing for that but since it would be impossible to deliver a brand new "system" for them in the less then 4 weeks there a number of things we are working on as a whole.

  1.  Process Documentation and Understanding. (mostly completed after any interviews) 
  2.  SW Information System (SWIS) recommendations. 
  3.  Citizen Awareness (Social Media, Web presence, and brochures)  
  4.  Capability Development (starting training and laying out some current skills and then ongoing training 
  5.  Planning and Measuring.( Methodology for Planning IT Changes and then Once changes are made how do you measure it's effectiveness)

Also for the week Australian Business Volunteers will be interviewing CSC members to describe the work, what they have learned so far and some of the challenges.The full on Audio/Video treatment. 

On Wednesday the IBM General Manager for The Philippines, Mariels Winhoffer will be visiting the City Hall to pay a visit to the mayor and then spending some time with the CSC team.

So the Work should be action packed this week! 

#ibmcsc philippines

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