Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Interrupt the proceedings for a wedding

Dateline Sunday July 20
Only been away for a few days now but life goes on back home. Earlier in the blog I has mentioned that I was missing a wedding of my brother in law and good friend Sandy MacPhee. My wife's brother and great uncle to the kids. Thought I would share  some pictures and wish him well since a few people viewing this blog know his story. Sandy was diagnosed with cancer in early June, going through chemo and doing as well as can be expected in the 6 weeks since his life has changed.  He and his beautiful bride Kelley tied the knot and I just got some pictures this morning.  Sorry to have missed it but looked like great time had by all!

"First Dance"

Fun wedding shot.

Annette and the kids.

1 comment:

  1. It was a fun night!
    Keep up the good work with the blog.
